AHA Statement on Periodontal Disease and Heart Disease


The American Heart Association published a scientific statement in its journal Circulation, stating that a review of the current scientific evidence did not establish a cause and effect relationship between periodontal disease and heart disease.

Although this AHA review found no direct, causative relationship, the AHA writing group concluded that heart disease and periodontal disease may occur at the same time in a person because of common risk factors (such as smoking, age and diabetes) and because both conditions produce markers of inflammation.

“This AHA literature review supports dentistry’s message that an individual cannot be healthy overall without good oral health,” says Dr. Euan Swan, CDA’s manager of dental programs.

“Dentists have long suspected a relationship between heart disease and gum disease,” he adds. “This new AHA review advises health care professionals to be cautious in making ‘cause and effect’ statements between these conditions.”

The American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs has endorsed the recently published AHA scientific statement. Also, the AHA scientific statement is consistent with the CDA Position on the Association between Periodontal Disease and Systemic Disease.

Further Resources:

American Heart Association. No proof that gum disease causes heart disease or stroke. April 18, 2012.