What material is the best choice for a short span fixed partial denture?


January, 22 2013   

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What material is the best choice for a short span fixed partial denture?
With the advancement of dental technology, dentists today are confronted with many different options when it comes to choosing a material for fixed partial dentures (FPDs).


Failing crowns and implants; how would you manage the aesthetic challenge?
Dr. Berge Wazirian, McGill University Prosthodontis, Dr. Mark Straus, General Practitioner (Stratford, Ontario), Dr. Ian Furst, Coronation Dental Specialty Group Crowns on teeth #1.1 and 2.1 are overcontoured and failing. The mini-implants in the 1.2 and 2.2 areas have failed. How will you manage the aesthetic challenge?


Check out this interesting clinical discussion initiated by Dr. Cesare Ciavarro of Coronation Dental Specialty Group on should Aspirin therapy be stopped for routine dental procedures?


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