Prosthodontics 1966–2042: Changes in Prosthodontic Education, Past and Future

Past changes in prosthodontic education have been influenced by educators' understanding of learning, the physical plants in which they teach and the evolution of the profession (both clinically and politically). A 1968 survey illustrates an emphasis on materials and techniques, and the literature of the day respected “expert” opinion. Although the need for prosthodontics was expected to decline with the promotion of preventive measures, it is actually increasing with the aging population.Organizational support for defining the specialty of prosthodontics to encompass a broad spectrum of dental restorations and related care helped develop commitment to improved research and education. Instrumental in these improvements were faculty with advanced education in the discipline, better physical plants in which to work and an understanding of the theories of teaching and learning.Faculty will continue to be innovative and adopt new approaches such as evidence-based dentistry and problembased learning. However, the lure of research funding and institutional expectations will probably influence how faculty spend their time and energy. Prosthodontic education will continue to evolve, but it will be influenced by its institutional and professional environments.