A Survey of Final-Year Dental, Medical and Nursing Students: Occupational Injuries and Infection Control

This study investigated nonsterile occupational injuries and infection control practices reported by final-year dental, medical and nursing undergraduates. Data from an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire were analyzed using ANOVA and chi-square tests. Nonsterile occupational injuries in the previous year were reported by 82% of dental, 57% of medical and 27% of nursing respondents, including one hepatitis B virus (HBV) and one human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) exposure. Although students received appropriate management for known HIV and HBV exposure, 48% of dental, 77% of medical and 59% of nursing students reporting injuries also reported no postexposure follow-up. Dental students were more aware of postexposure protocols (p 0.001) and also reported more frequent use of gloves (p 0.05), masks (p 0.001) and protective eyewear (p 0.001) than other students. Students who reported 2-handed recapping of needles had twice the number of percutaneous injuries (mean = 1.9/year) than those who avoided recapping or recapped with one hand using a device or scoop technique (p 0.05). All dental, and 99% and 95% of medical and nursing students, respectively, reported HBV immunization; however, 6% of dental students had inadequate response (i.e., titre of antibodies to HBV surface antigen [anti-HBs] .10 mIU/mL) and 13% of dental, 24% of medical and 41% of nursing students did not know whether their postimmunization anti-HBs titre was adequate. The majority of students reported occupational injuries that increase risk of exposure to pathogens. Educational interventions are required to improve postexposure follow-up, handling of sharps, use of barriers and HBV postimmunization serology.

MeSH Key Words: infection control; occupational diseases/prevention & control; students