Two-Implant Mandibular Overdentures: Simple to Fabricate and Easy to Wear

Success rates for titanium dental implants in the anterior mandible are very high. Because of these success rates, as well as lower costs, it is common to treat edentulous patients with just 2 implants and ball anchors for retention of the overdenture, instead of 4 implants and a bar. In this paper the fabrication of 2-implant overdentures is described. In a controlled clinical trial (to be reported elsewhere), 30 subjects received a 2-implant overdenture for the mandible and a conventional prosthesis for the maxilla. The 30 control patients received conventional complete dentures for both jaws. The stability of the overdentures was excellent, and the lingual dimensions of the denture could be reduced to the level of the mylohyoid line to provide more space for the tongue. In patients with tense labial musculature or a limited amount of attached gingiva, it was important to elevate the shoulder of the implant and ball abutment above the gingival level to avoid peri-implant problems. Significantly fewer visits for adjustment related to post-placement pressure spots were required for mandibular overdentures than for conventional mandibular prostheses.