Clinical Reports Esthetic Rehabilitation of Anterior Teeth with Porcelain Laminates and Sectional Veneers November 1, 2011 Topics: treatment restorations materials esthetics
Applied Research Evaluation of Ocular Hazards from 4 Types of Curing Lights October 4, 2011 Topics: dental devices restorations
Diagnostic Challenge Classification of Extensively Damaged Teeth to Evaluate Prognosis September 29, 2011 Topics: treatment restorations diagnosis dental caries endodontics
Clinical Reports Inlay-Retained Zirconia Fixed Dental Prostheses: Modified Designs for a Completely Adhesive Approach July 4, 2011 Topics: prosthodontics restorations
Applied Research Fracture Resistance of 3 Types of Primary Esthetic Stainless Steel Crowns June 28, 2011 Topics: restorations children materials dental caries esthetics
Clinical Review Effects of External Bleaching on Restorative Materials: A Review May 9, 2011 Topics: restorations materials esthetics
Applied Research Effect of Distance on Irradiance and Beam Homogeneity from 4 Light-Emitting Diode Curing Units March 17, 2011 Topics: restorations materials dental devices
Applied Research Surface Characteristics of Zirconia-Based Posterior Restorations: Clinical and Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis March 7, 2011 Topics: restorations materials prosthodontics
Clinical Reports Orthodontic Alignment and Extrusion of a Periodontally Involved Lateral Incisor: Audiovisual Presentation November 17, 2010 Topics: treatment orthodontics restorations periodontics endodontics occlusion
Clinical Reports Porcelain Laminate Veneer on a Highly Discoloured Tooth: A Case Report October 4, 2010 Topics: treatment restorations materials esthetics