Debate and Opinion Prevention: Dentistry's Legacy for the Future June 16, 2010 Topics: children people prevention dental profession dental caries
Point of Care Why do some people get dizzy in the examination chair? June 16, 2010 Topics: treatment diagnosis prevention adults
Point of Care Is there a "safety zone" in the mandibular premolar region where damage to the mental nerve can be avoided if periapical extrusion occurs? June 16, 2010 Topics: adverse reactions radiology endodontics
Dentistry News What Do You Have to Lose? Don't Wait for a Home Disaster to Find Out June 16, 2010 Topics: organizations practice management
Dentistry News Improvements to NIHB Discussed at Days on the Hill Meetings June 16, 2010 Topics: access to care oral health organizations dental profession cda advocacy
Applied Research Finite Element Analysis of the Human Mandible to Assess the Effect of Removing an Impacted Third Molar June 16, 2010 Topics: treatment oral surgery adverse reactions
Debate and Opinion Clinical Teaching in the Undergraduate Clinic—More Difficult than It Looks June 16, 2010 Topics: dental profession
Clinical Reports Developmental Disturbance of an Unerupted Permanent Incisor Due to Trauma to Its Predecessor June 16, 2010 Topics: treatment pediatrics children radiology injury
President's Column Improvement in the Oral Health of Canadians June 1, 2010 Topics: access to care oral health public health organizations dental profession cda