Point of Care How Do I Manage a Patient with Periodontal Abscess? February 14, 2013 Topics: treatment oral health diagnosis periodontics
Point of Care Nerve Damage Associated with Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block: Causes and Management September 25, 2012 Topics: treatment oral conditions anesthesia adverse reactions injury
Point of Care How do I Manage a Patient with Recurrent Herpes Simplex? December 11, 2012 Topics: treatment diagnosis oral medicine
Point of Care Should Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Medications Be Discontinued before Minor Oral Surgery Procedures? February 27, 2012 Topics: adverse reactions pharmacology treatment
Point of Care Do Patients with Solid Organ Transplants or Breast Implants Require Antibiotic Prophylaxis before Dental Treatment? January 12, 2012 Topics: adverse reactions evidence-based dentistry treatment
Point of Care Does ultrasonic dental equipment affect cardiovascular implantable electronic devices? August 24, 2011 Topics: dental devices adverse reactions adults
Point of Care What should I look for when treating an alcoholic patient (current or recovered) in my office? August 18, 2011 Topics: adults oral health
Point of Care Can I use chlorhexidine as the only irrigating solution in my endodontic treatments? January 26, 2011 Topics: endodontics treatment
Point of Care I want to buy one of the new head-mounted LED lights for operatory use. What should I be looking for to ensure I get the best clinical lighting? February 1, 2011 Topics: guidelines
Point of Care Audiovisual Presentation: How do I perform a first dental visit for an infant or toddler? October 22, 2010 Topics: treatment pediatrics children